Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Observation

^ Pleutaenium Coronatum
^ Rotifera
^ Chlorophyta

October 23, 2008-

Organisms seen:

1. phylum- Annelid
    genus- Chaetogaster
-organism derives in soils and sands, mud, debris in edges of streams, ponds, marshes, and soggy ground.
-transparent, varied internal coloration, divided into segments, segments have bristles, 1st two segments are head region.
-abundance of annelids may be possible sign of pollutes conditions.
2. phylum- Difflugia
-organism found in spaces between sand or soil grains, surface of aquatic plants and filamentous protists.
-(protist) brownish to yellow, ovoid shell with flared rim around opening, has finger like pseudopodia

3. phylum- Gastrotricha
-found in mossy pools, plant choked ditches and ponds.
-brownish to transparent, 2 pairs of head tufts, body is covered with long spines/ scalelike structures and had two posterior curved prongs.

4. phylum- Chlorophyta
    genus- Cosmarium
-found in open water plankton samples, bottom debris
-green; looks like two spherical cells that have smashed against one another;have rough cell surface.
-may be indicator of clean water

5. phylum- Rotifer
    genus- Trichotria
-found near shorelines
-boxlike, shelled body with large facelets, 2 spines at base of the foot, 2 dorsal spines on the 1st joint of the foot.
-procreate by unisex reproduction

Plant Life Seen:

1. Pleurotaenium Coronatum (Desmid)
-Green bamboo-like plank with nucleus break in the middle.
One singular rod